Saturday 9 May 2015

Sustainability Sentiment

For me it's the wonderfully obscure unprinted wisdoms of my right here right now in my face any moment of my life encounters that give me my values. They are not party political values. Living around the globe committing to many sectors of industry, agriculture, finance, banking, political exchange, tourism; I am meeting politically motivated very progressive people true nation builders exceptionally manipulated away from prime human values. Statistical information is wonderfully complex essential detail that can get to predictive outcomes that are bouncing singularities of value rather than sustainable currencies of value established from grassroots sustainable priorities at any given time. That is in a Global World Economy the prime unit of currency value " each life" at any location is "one" according to immediate priorities. Sustainable Currencies are as violent as mother earths most shocking weather storms, eruptions, while all areas pull and push to live at an irreducible renewable sustainable base line.

Because of the sustainable value each adult comes to know about themselves the first impact, yes, micro commodities go home like laser guided pin pricks, don't they? This is the "SENTIMENT" of the discussions that have advanced from the Magna Carta to this day, attaches parent to child at birth and throughout life's long threads. Each life in humanity has this sustainable value to our earth and through this every aspect of our earth is automatically managed according to prime values grassroots to global, this is the bio economy and there is no need to fear or fight because it is an economy that is complimentary to gently moving our global values in order to give very citizen a continuous opportunity to enjoy life gifts according to our prime priority value.

So on Friday I am least likely to complain about the out come of the General Election as I was determined to do as much as I could to support the local Labour Candidate and fully aware that the bang on obvious outcome would be a Conservative landslide. Haha, if I was David Cameron I would have been up for it too! O' hell yes, he would be the last man on earth to refuse to be the King of England for this was a Sovereigns Election for Eternal fame. Over the weeks I waited and watched events quite closely. Really just waiting for the trigger to go in at the perfect moment

" bring the landslide"
Micro Commodities are good or bad, there are no in-betweens when they are slotted into a value chain, generally they will target capture for desired purpose. Our general election progressed as a reasonably democratic affair almost to the wire, then " the tide changed" a micro commodity was brought to full strength releasing into the political value chains that have been articulated into place over the past five years. Essentially this micro commodity is like someone pulling the trigger on his absolute perfect shot "ever", yes that target specific and our current Prime Minister knew nothing about it, but, if his values are bang on the nail of our citizen values we will be in for some ride. The landslide depended upon the willingness of the citizens of the United Kingdom to give up their basic human rights to a political-economic cause, that holds no evidence of sustainable value. That is only a citizen who's value was at  "ONE" without additionally of the parts we are gathering to become human being expressed. In WAR TIMES this has been called CANNON FODDER. The very last value that an being may have for themselves within their immediate sustainable circumstance. That was the sentiment of our political vote . Yet it's sort of very difficult to build a product that can attract the heartfelt vote of such a high number of people who were not seeming to vote to return our Prime Minister but effectively, as was seen, ensuring that his absolute authority to speak for the United Kingdom would be approved. Such a powerfully effective device can only be deployed good or bad intent if it's sort of full of exceptional good intent there will be exceptional impact that is desirable, in a sustainable currency world good intents are the exceptional values that are prime to humans. These are the "ONE" +++++ additional we have been collecting towards becoming human. In a world of sustainable values every child begins life with those values core to each living human this means constant conflict resolution grassroots to global communities. administrations are slow vehicles for change prime value adjustments are almost instant the time they hit seed, pretty much a big bang impact. Releasing a micro commodity into a value stream is always an intention to take complete ownership over the value chain. One has to pretty much hoodwink people into believing they are represented as value in society by a political voice. When the voice is for good intent it's like we have hit upon a jump toward another additionally. 

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