Sunday 10 May 2015


Over past months there has been an impression that this standard was not known. Far from this the British and Commonwealth standard for citizens is known with clarity and exactitude.

We tied our company formation and objectives to the Queens Standard in 2012.

Dr. Clive Richardson. CEO Scotiaaghelek1306 (Scotland) Ltd.  
Contact:  0044007788518096
SCOTIAAGHELEK.1306 LTD, private limited company incorporated in Scotland with registration number SC421442,   
  Registered address:  Blue Square Offices, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G2 4JR, Scotland.   
Chairman of the Board: Mr Mike Starkie (UK)  
Executive Director Science and Technology: Mr Janos Thesz (Hungry)
Chief Operations: Mr Carl Gunnar Harstrup (Norway)
Our profile has linked to the ideology of forming a National Sustainable Environment Bank, as we have investigated opportunities for the commercialization of a renewable sustainable materials handling platform for manufacturing and optimizing the economic impact of renewable sustainable agriculture to industry to end user value chains that are certified by their own industry as Renewable Sustainable, and by external agencies that host the sustainability of resources as their prime mission statements.


We have a standard bearer, the holder of a unique long standing view of this world of varieties.

Our Queen is the standard bearer for more than two and a half billion subjects, citizens around the globe that exhibit a grassroots commonality. They look to their Queen for the standard of the day.

Her view of this world is not a view that could embrace "austerity" according to the jestering of politicians. In fact, we should rest our minds that the Monarch's Standard will be upon the Government  that Prime Minister  David Cameron forms.

Faced with the fact that her leading politicians of the day would fight a general election on the basis of forming a government of austerity, to tie her standards to, it should not be beyond the wit of any to realize that her Majesty's intent to deliver some ideas, to get the engines started, has been as carefully planned as the political party dancing these recent times.

The Scottish Nationalists tied their flag to the Royal Standard from day one of this General Election. They have been the Queens drive with their own stance " no to austerity". A landslide vote.

It took David Cameron until the last 48 hours to tie his flag to a Royal Standard and a Labour Party vote to be left, standing agog, that their leader would not tie his proposed government to a Royal Standard. Cameron could have gained the same landslide win as the SNP had he grasped the Royal standard from day one, as could have Ed Miliband. There was a problem with Ed, that the Queen identified.

"I guess in all his political life no one informed him that you form a UK government for the pleasure of her majesty's citizens, she being the golden citizen. When she calls for the proposers, seeking to form her government, to come to her mark, there is no such thing as dithering or being mute".

Tony Blair would have pounced upon such a command; as we saw David Cameron do. He would have been ready with his trump to excite, please and win the grace of his Queen. As would David Cameron, for the exact same reason, to form a government that placed the Queens Standard, her British and Commonwealth standard of this time at the forefront of her Government.

This will not be a standard for austerity. David Cameron won a landslide the moment he was unmatched, not even requiring to play his trump card (s).

Now to my way of thinking Ed Miliband defeated the democracy that is affixed to the crown standard. He had to come to the mark, he had to play his parties trump cards and he had to force David Cameron to play his trump card(s). ( feel cheated out of this electoral outcome )

Now, technically, his weakness in the sport of political footie, has taken some weight from the Queen. Not damage.

Touting "austerity" was a poor show by all of our politicians, observing that one leader was not prepared to do his duty to a Queens Standard was an insult to every voter, not having some inventiveness, some global view of a progressive bright new economic future our Queen has to view as pathetic, not least because she holds the answers that her politicians should have been touting as the way forward.

The way to plant the seed of prosperity for every single sovereign citizen and subject under her majesty, the way to point the global economy from grassroots to global in the direction of the future, a more hygienic prosperous cleaner healthier, wellness enhancing planet.

It's called the Bio Economy, it's based upon sustainable values from grassroots to global and its value chains are the new economy that we most need to bank upon.

More than this, one would like your government to establish the priority to facilitate the rapid growth of this global sustainable bio economy with ones government taking a lead role developing sustainable environmental banking priorities, sustainable currencies standards and, roll-out to her UK and Commonwealth subjects as their priority interest:-

 Sustainability" in all things as the Credo of Her majesty's Subjects.

This is constant conflict resolution at the grassroots of society.
This is primary values represented in all locations by the intimate knowledge of each citizen of their immediate immediate sustainability priority.
Demand led preference choices at the prime of all societies will promote the exponential growth of the bio economy organically alongside existing economy, renewing and replacing non sustainable with sustainable  products by  demand led preference ( not by the maddeningly, unarticulated with any success, the fraudulent means of the UN with it's ides on carbon credits -trades in hot air, that do not enhance or add primary value at the grassroots to global economy, in any way )

We may have the future King of England to thank for an incisive view of the global economy as HRH has been at the cutting edge of bio economy for many years.

One thing for certain, if our recent political performances are anything to go by, our Queen cannot be but somewhat disappointed in their snivelingly ponderous lack of energy to push up some exciting, daring, "British" global leading ideas that will deliver the future prosperity, that her UK Government under her standard can position at the pinnacle of the future global bio economy; sustaining the wealth of her subjects and, the global populations that will follow a sustainable route to a cleaner more hygienic planet.


I sincerely hope that others will rally to a Royal Standard for a much improved future planet. One of prosperity never austerity.


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