Wednesday 13 May 2015


To execute a primary census, Magna Carta 2015-, for sustainability, constant conflict resolution.

(citizen register is ownership)

Global Glasgow:

(citizen register is ownership)

Robert ruled Scotland as its king from 1306 - 1329. He suffered from episodes of extreme ill health for much of his reign. Some believe it to have been Leprosy, but this was the generic label at the time given to skin complaints. Quite possibly, he suffered a combination of cirrhosis, scurvy, malnutrition and congestive heart failure: several diseases rolled into one due to the poor living conditions he experienced during his guerrilla campaign against English forces.

His dying wish was that his supporters take his heart, encased in a lead casket, on Crusade. They crossed to Spain en route to Jerusalem but were caught up in a battle. Sir James Douglas, one of the Bruce’s closest friends, perished in the melee. Robert’s heart was returned to Scotland and is believed to be buried in Melrose Abbey in the borders of Scotland.


Robert the Bruce and the spider.

The legend of Bruce and spider is world famous. It is said that in the early days of Bruce’s reign he was defeated by the English and driven into exile. He was on the run - a hunted man. He sought refuge in a small dark cave and sat and watched a little spider trying to make a web.
Time and time again the spider would fall and then climb slowly back up to try again.
If at first you don't succeed - try, try again. Finally, as the Bruce looked on, the spider managed to stick a strand of silk to the cave wall and began to weave a web. Robert the Bruce was inspired by the spider and went on to defeat the English at the Battle of Bannockburn.
The legend as it is now told was first published by Sir Walter Scott in ‘Tales of a Grandfather’ in 1828, more than 500 years after the Battle of Bannockburn. It is thought that Scott may have adapted a story told about Sir James Douglas. Caves across Scotland and Ireland are said to be legendary cave of Bruce and the spider: the King's Cave at Drumadoon on Arran; King Robert the Bruce's Cave in Kirkpatrick Fleming near Lockerbie; Bruce’s Cave - Uamh-an-Righ, Balquhidder Glen; Bruce's Cave on Rathlin Island.



We hold no political party allegiances our interests are to sew the seeds of a Global Bio Economy where they can be sustainable to the core. We consider that Scotland is a progressive substantially wealthy sustainable economy, under pressure, we do not believe that austerity ideology, as expounded by the UK political parties, is in anyway a sustainable program that should entertain anyone. As such we would really like to hear from sustainable currency experts, those who enjoy the challenge of establishing proficiencies along new exciting sustainable renewable value chains. Those who can engineer a banking finance and micro-commodities stock market profile for a bio economy that can grow organically preference demand led sustainable value managements that can be an immediate sanctuary for the Global renewable sustainable bio economy, of course the future source of all planetary wealth. We want to hear from those seriously engaged with the development of products and manufacturing that hold focus upon bio refinery, agriculture to industry and end user renewable sustainable value chain analysis. These are our customers. We seek to open our own gateways to sustainable renewable manufacturing, we seek to be facilitating those with similar ambitions as investors in the future of our plant as a healthy, wellness, life giving resource; those who welcome the ability to express Economic, Social, Environmental project and development sustainability to those who hold more than a singularity of values that require priority balance in order to be sustainable.

This would be the type of pleasing ambition I would take to her Majesty for approval this week to insert into her QS. Not some puerile policy on poverty acceptance for the Queen to tie her standards to. In a few words " bugger that for a game of skittles!" . Lets hope that the SNP leader finds her way to give the queen something to lift her spirits.
"100% bio renewable spiders silk, one of natures  highest strength materials, is affected by barometric pressure at the time of making. When atmospheric pressure drops the silk is made stronger, in anticipation of stormy weather. The resolve of a "British' Standard may again be the mark hoisted by Scotland. Stormy weather is a fine exciting thing for the adventurous soul".
Scotia1306 SNSEB



  1. "Micro-commodities" like hand loom bead weaving a specific specialized beaded tartan product that could employ a small village by the small business "Bead and Breakfast" ? I believe I am up for the challenge but have zero financial backing !

  2. Stay tuned in there will be opportunities for what you illustrate. :-)
